Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ilike A Pretty Tan

Lets cut to the chase. We all know that getting too much of anything can hurt you, and unfortunately, that includes the sun. And while staying out in the sun for too long can leave you looking like a lobster, and even worse, can lead to skin cancer- something has to be said for an extra jolt of vitamin D and the ego boost that comes with looking mighty fine with freshly sun kissed skin. However, there are precautions you can and should take to protect yourself as much as possible while safely soaking up some rays. 

ilike (organic skin care made fresh in Hungary & featured at yours truly, Firefly Facials) makes a fabulous Tomato Suntan Lotion that not only protects your skin from burning, but creates a healthy glow while doing it!

While you are busy enjoy the sun and getting gorgeous, this super product is hard at work. Not only does it do the obvious, it's helping to fight off free radicals, absorbing harmful sun rays, and saving you from what could cause premature signs of aging (*GASP*)! So get out there and enjoy the summer days, whether you are going to the beach or simply getting outside for a free community yoga class, make sure you are getting the most out of your sun exposure! 

*For more information or to order this product please contact Firefly Facials at: 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the CCY shout out! If you care enough about your body to practice yoga, you should care enough to protect your skin. (and vice versa) :)
